воскресенье, 10 марта 2013 г.

Film Review 1

Movie Info
Genres: Biography, Drama
Taglines: Study for a portrait of Francis Bacon.
Runtime: 90 min
Release Date: 18 September 1998 (UK) 
Also Known As: Love Is the Devil 

John Maybury's film presents artist Francis Bacon as an uncaring, disturbed, unhinged, genius who used people and life to feed his bizarre artistic talent.

This movie was very dark. Calling it a biography is going too far. It gave you a very small slice of Bacon's life, i.e., his affair with George. I am left with too many unanswered questions. Definitely an "art" film.

Francis Bacon was one of the most acclaimed artists of his generation, and Derek Jacobi is one of the finest actors of his, but even this combination can't make 'Love is the Devil', John Maybury's biopic of Bacon's life, especially interesting. The problem is that the film lacks a central point of sympathy, Bacon comes across as selfish and spoilt, while his hapless lover (George Dyer, as nemesis, and muse, is also very good ) is too clearly out of his depth from the start, and never manages to become someone in whom one can invest any hopes.

Francis Bacon was not capable of love. His male lover was. And so the brilliant Bacon took joy in berating his lover. Bacon may have been a talent but his evil nature begged for punishment. If his death did one just thing it removed him from society. And though he knew his lover was suicidal he just remained indifferent. 

 In terms of its overall feel, the film tries to reflect Bacon's artistic sensibility.  Unless you're a particular fan of Bacon, you can afford to miss this film.

This film is ultimately frustrating, difficult, and perhaps a pointless exercise as far as giving us any lasting impression of Bacon's character. But, like his well-known paintings, it is snatches of images you will remember. Many viewers would find this film difficult viewing as the life and style of the painter are less than immaculate. But for those who love expressionistic figurative art and the joy of creative film making, this is a very fine work to add to the library.

I did not like this movie very much. I guess (as I don't really know the biography of Bacon) the director did a good job in his characterisation of Bacon. Nevertheless the film is not really special or interesting.

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